

 A personal journal was used to reflect on and make reflexive stances on data collection and analysis. Analysis focused on how the particular PNC integrated traditional doing the month practices with modern healthcare practices.

 Data were analyzed using a method developed by Creswell [17], which uses a cyclical process of data collection and verification at every step of the inquiry to construct a solid product.

An ethnographic approach was used to reveal the particularities of cultures and rituals [13]. Ethnographic approaches enable exploration of cultural knowledge within a specific community or setting, in this case a PNC, by observing events, listening to conversations and asking questions [14].

Chen [12] found that contemporary women are more likely to observe doing the month practice now than in their parents' generation because of economic stability and available resources.

The researchers read and re-read the transcripts to identify emerging categories until sufficient coding consistency was achieved [14].

A personal journal was used to reflect on and make reflexive stances on data collection and analysis.

Chen [12] found that contemporary women are more likely to observe doing the month practice now than in their parents' generation because of economic stability and available resources.

Formal interviews were required to collect data with mothers in the PNC.

Three nurses were formally interviewed because of their major involvement in direct nursing care practices and management of care provided in the PNC.

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